
Joan Brossa (Fundació Joan Brossa)
(1919-1998) wrote poetry in traditional stanzas, everyday poetry (also called antipoetry, due to its theme and prosaic form), prose, theater and film scripts; he also experimented with visual poetry, objects, installations, and corporeal poems. Although his intense creative activity began in the 1940s, recognition of him as a leading figure in contemporary literature did not come until the publication, in 1970, of Poesía raída, a gathering of unpublished books from the period 1945-1959. Brossa’s poetry is characterized by the playful, brief and surprising short poem. In his latest books there is a contained and emotional reflection on life and death, full of digressions (Passat festes, 1995; La clau a la boca, 1997 and Astral Sumari, 1999).
Foto ©: Martí Gasull